University has issued a notification for the recruitment of Library
Assistant vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates can apply
in the prescribed application format on or before 08-12-2016 up to
05.00 PM. Other details like age limit, educational qualification,
selection process, application fee & how to apply are given
No.of Posts: 04
Name of the Posts: Library Assistant
Candidates should possess Degree with Bachelor of Library &
Information Science from any recognized university.
Candidates upper age should be 30 years as on the last date of
receipt of completed application. Age relaxation is applicable to SC/
ST/ OBC/ PH as per GOI norms.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.
Application Fee:
should pay Rs.300/- demand draft drawn from any Nationailized Bank
payable at Pondicherry in favour of “Finance Officer, Pondicherry
University”, payable at Puducherry.
Apply Mode : Ofline
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates
send their filled in application in the prescribed format along with
copies of all relevant certificates as mentioned in the notification
should reach to The Registrar (i/c.), Pondicherry University, R
Venkataraman Nagar, Kalapet Puducherry – 605 014, India on or
before 08-12-2016 up to 05.00 PM.
Important Dates To Remember :
Last Date for Submission of Application: 08-12-2016 up to 05.00 PM.