of the Prl District Judge, Anantapuramu has invited applications for
the recruitment of Stenographer Grade III vacancies in AP Judicial
Ministerial Services. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed
application format on or before 12-12-2016 up to 05:00 pm. Other
details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process
& how to apply are given below…
No. of Posts: 02
Name of the Post: Stenographer Grade III
Candidates should have passed Intermediate Examination conducted by
AP State Board of Intermediate Education, passed in Type writing
Age Limit: Candidates age should be 18- 42 years as on 01-07-2016. Age relaxation is applicable by 5 years for SC/ ST, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for PwD candidates as per rules.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test.
Application Fee: Candidates
should pay Rs.200/- by Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the
Prl. District Judge, Ananthapuram on any Nationalized Bank. No fee
for SC/ ST/ PH/ ExS candidates.
Apply Mode : Ofline
to Apply:
Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format
with DD, attested copies of qualification, date of birth, caste,
medical certificate, residence, employment registration card, self
addressed envelope of postal stamp Rs.25/-, passport size photo in an
envelope super scripted as “Name of the post applied for____” to
the the Prl. District Judge, Ananthapuram on or before 12-12-2016 up
to 05:00 pm.
Dates To Remember :
Last Date for Submission of Applications:
12-12-2016 up to 05:00 pm.