Institute of Speech & Hearing (NISH), Thiruvananthapuram has
published notification for the recruitment of Computer Lab Assistant
vacancies on contract basis to efficiently manage the Computer labs.
Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or
before 19-11-2016 by 05:00 PM. Other details like age limit
educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are
given below…
Qualification: Candidates should possess Degree in Computer Science
and should be proficient in Indian Sign Language.
Candidates age limit should be below 40 years.
Mode : Ofline
Eligible candidates may send their application along with detailed
bio data, a passport size photograph, email ID and mobile phone
number in an envelope should be super scribed with “name of the
post” to the Executive Director, National Institute of Speech &
Hearing, NISH Road, Sreekaryam P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 017 on or
before 19-11-2016 by 05:00 PM.
Dates To Remember :
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 19-11-2016 by 05:00 PM.